Tourism Management Proposals for Abu Dhabi government.
The project entailed the development of a 10-year Strategic Plan that assessed the extensive planted forest of Abu Dhabi, in terms of improved management and their potential for wildlife-based tourism.
The assignment culminated into an initial phase of rapid assessment and preliminary proposals, followed by a detailed 10-year plan and the development of tourism concepts and products.
Lebatlane Game Reserve – Strategic assessment, Strategic Management Plan and Development and Management Plan for 33,000 ha community-based project in North West Province. The assignment included the assessment of the tourism potential and drafting of a concept development plan and detailed feasibility study.
Rustenburg Spatial Tourism Plan for the Rustenburg Local Municipality, North West Province, South Africa. The development of a Tourism Spatial Plan commenced in order to facilitate tourism development and growth in a pro-active manner. The project provided guidelines for the Local Authority with regard to tourism development and related products as well as priorities for the various initiatives.